
The Most Simple Gingham Quilt Pattern for Beginner Quilters

I don’t know about you, but when I go to a fabric store, my eyes are immediately drawn to the classic gingham print. Gingham has an instant cozy, warm vibe, which makes it the perfect pairing for a quilt. That’s why I came up with my free gingham quilt pattern, and I’m super excited to share it with you today!

cup of tea picnic cloth gingham quilt pattern

History of the Gingham Pattern

Before we jump into the tutorial and gingham quilt pattern, let’s discuss briefly the interesting history of the gingham pattern. It’s quite fascinating how this pattern became a staple of Americana design.

It’s hard to think of the early to mid-20th century without thinking of the classic gingham print being used for clothing, curtains, tablecloths, and other home decor. But what if I were to tell you gingham has been around for much longer than a century?

Surprisingly, gingham has been around since the 17th century and originated in Malaysia, Indonesia, and India. It’s hard to say which country created it first, but it is well-documented that this print was prevalent in all three countries during the 1600s. 

These fabrics started to be imported to Europe in the 18th century and have been in constant use ever since. Pretty cool, right? I love learning the history of specific fabric prints and patterns.

Step-by-Step Tutorial: How to Make a Gingham Quilt

Gingham quilts are a super fun quilt project that you can make over a weekend. This gingham quilt tutorial is perfect for beginners, and I encourage every quilter to make at least one because they’re cozy and look beautiful no matter what your personal style is. 

You can download a free gingham quilt pattern below that you can print out. Click the “Download” button below the image. This simple pattern has all the fabric requirements and instructions to make a gingham quilt.

free gingham quilt pattern

Tools You Will Need

Fabric Requirements

It’s best to choose three fabrics that coordinate from dark to light. Below you will find the necessary fabric requirements for this quilt top.

  • Dark Fabric: 1 ¼ yards
  • Medium Fabric: 2 ¼ yards
  • Light Fabric: 1 yard

Step One: Cut the Squares

For this free gingham quilt pattern, we will make a 67 ½” x 76 ½” quilt top. Solids work great for gingham quilts, but you can also use print fabrics for an added design element.

You will need to cut the following 5” squares from each fabric (you can also use charm pack squares to save time):

  • Dark Fabric: 72- 5” squares
  • Medium Fabric: 127- 5” squares
  • Light Fabric: 56- 5” squares

Step Two: Create the Square Layout in the Gingham Pattern

Once you have all of your 5” squares cut, you will want to lay out the squares to create the gingham quilt pattern. This will help you visualize the quilt top.

square layout gingham quilt pattern

Now you can easily stack the squares in order for easy sewing. Grab the first square in each row and place it on top of the second square.

Next, place the tiny stacks on the third square of each row. 

Repeat this process till you have 17 stacks of squares.

stacks of squares gingham quilt

Step Three: Sew the Squares Into Rows

Now comes the fun part: sewing! Take the first stack of squares and sew them together using a ¼” seam allowance. 

row of squares gingham quilts

Each row will have 15 squares. Repeat this process until you have 17 rows.

free gingham quilt pattern

Step Four: Press the Seams

I know, I know. Pressing seams isn’t the most fun step, but it can make a big difference in how the overall gingham quilt will look at the end. The trick is to press the seams in opposite directions with every other row. Refer to the diagram below.

seam direction gingham quilt pattern

When you press the seams this way, you will do what is called “nesting the seams,” which allows the seams to lay as flat as possible.

Step Five: Sew the Rows Together

Sew the rows together, making sure you line up the seams. You will use a ¼” seam allowance for this step as well.

finished gingham quilt diagram gingham quilt pattern

And there we have it, a beautiful, timeless gingham quilt pattern! Gingham quilts look fabulous in any color and any size. They make wonderful baby quilts too!

Baby Gingham Quilt

To make a 40 ½” x 49 ½” baby gingham quilt, you will need to cut the following squares.

  • Dark Fabric: 30- 5” squares
  • Medium Fabric: 49- 5” squares
  • Light Fabric: 20- 5” squares
baby quilt gingham quilt pattern

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoy this gingham quilt pattern and you have lots of fun creating a gingham quilt for someone you love. This is a fantastic beginner-friendly quilt project that you could easily make over the weekend.

Thank you for stopping by, and happy stitches!

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